Evaluation of longterm results of various schemes and modes of palliative hormone therapy in patients with prostate cancer
Was performed a comparative evaluation of shortand long-term results of treatment under various schemes: a steroid, a non-steroidal anti-androgen in the standard and the reduced dose, LH-RH analogue mode and low-dose estrogen-ADT for patients with prostate cancer stage II–IV. During treatment lowered intensity of complaints, improved urofloumetrichnih indicators, reduction in prostate volume, and a decrease in PSA levels was showed in all groups without significant differences of these parameters between groups. Indicators of general and cancerspecific survival between groups also were not statistically different (p>0,05). The combined use of flutamide in LDEAT mode allows you to achieve a significant therapeutic effect in a short time with less severe side effects, improve patient survival and quality of life. Reduction of the dose flutamide does not reduce the rates of overall and cancerspecific survival and improves the tolerability of treatment.

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