Prevention and monitoring of superficial bladder TCC recurrences
Bladder cancer is still a topical problem because of constant growth of its incidence and mortality rates.
The objective. An aim of our investigation was a study of the efficacy and results of adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy in patients suffering on non-muscle invasive bladder TCC.
Materials and methods. 86 Bladder TCC patients were included in a retrospective study; duration of observation had been varied from five to 60 months. All patients have underwent TURBT with subsequent adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy: Doxorubicin 50mg was the most common drug choice (44 patients, 51.2%) with 1 hr exposition time and following five the same instillations once a week. Mitomycin 40 mg was introduced in 32 patients (37.2%) with 1 hr exposition time and subsequent five instillations once a week. BCG was used in 10 patients (11.6%) once a week for a six times.
Results. Cases of recurrence were observed in all groups of patients and accounted for 11.6%. Percentage of relapse was higher in the group of patients who underwent instillations with doxorubicin and was 6 cases (13.6%), in contrast to the group of mitomycin, where 3 relapses were observed (9.3%) (p <0.05), and in the BCG group 1 patient. «Gold» standard in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer in our opinion is TURBT that allows to remove the tumor radically. Intravesical chemotherapy immediately after TUR tumors significantly reduces the risk of progression of cancer.
Conclusion. It has been proved a significant improvement in relapsefree period and an increase in patient survival in patients treated with adjuvant intravesical mitomycin C therapy in comparison with patients treated with doxorubicin.

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