Opportunities using 17-oksiprogesterona kapronat in treatment of patients with «stone paths» in ambulatory conditions
The paper analyzes the results of treating 41 patients with «stone path» after minimally invasive treatments in an outpatient setting with the help of the proposed scheme, which included the expansion of the integrated traditional standard therapy through the use of 17-oksiprogesterona kapronat (17-DIC) on the basis of medical institutions Khmelnitsky region. Men were 21 (51,2±7,8%), 20 women (48,8±7,8%). Localization calculus prior to the minimally invasive intervention: it was significantly higher in patients with kidney stones, 32 (68,1%), in the middle3 ureteral 12 (25,5%), only 6,4% had calculus in the lower one-third, while at the women these were isolated cases. Of the total number of patients in 32 (78%) confirmed the presence of IMP. A separate analysis of patients subjected to the data, applied for the first 7 days (24 patients), and more than 7 days (17 patients) of lithotripsy and the emergence of «stone path». The study prepared by the subjective and objective confirmation of the feasibility of such an approach. In 9–15 hours the desired clinical effect was achieved in 32 patients, accounting for 78,0%. In 9 (22,0%) – it was unsatisfactory and was manifested in the 6–8 days of treatment the development of acute pyelonephritis, which became the cause of hospitalization. The clinical effect depends on the size, location «stone path», the presence or absence of urinary tract infection in patients ureterolitiazom, maturities in the hospital after a minimally invasive intervention (lithotripsy, contact lithotripsy).

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