The research of the effectiveness and the safety in the treatment of patients with the non-bacterial chronic prostatitis


Є. А. Литвинець
О. П. Сандурський
В. I. Тріщ
А. Кабіру


The aim of the study: to study the efficacy and safety of rectal suppositories Vitaprost and Vitaprost Forte in the treatment of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis. Materials and methods. The study included 75 patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis. The average age of the patients was 28.2±3.5 years (19 to 45 years), disease duration from 8 months to 5 years (mean 3.2±1.2 years). Depending on the methods of therapy, the patients were divided into three groups. Patients of the 1st group (n=25) received the standard treatment according to the Protocol. In therapy, patients of the 2nd group (n=25) were included rectal suppositories Vitaprost («STADA»). Patients of the 3rd group (n=25) in the complex treatment received rectal suppositories Vitaprost Forte. All three groups of patients were matched for diagnosis and age. Results. Control survey after completion of therapy, confirmed the disappearance of the inflammatory process in the pancreas. Patients reported a significant decrease in subjective symptoms, often with complete disappearance of pain syndrome, and significant improvement in General condition and copulative functions. These data were the best in patients of the 3rd group. Conclusion. The appointment of rectal suppositories Vitaprost and Vitaprost Forte pathogenetically grounded for chronic abacterial prostatitis, which allows achieving the positive results of the therapy and persistent clinical effect. Patients of the 3rd group who received therapy with suppositories Vitaprost Forte had the best results in comparison with patients of the 2nd group, which proves the dependence of the degree of effect of the dose of active substance – Sampras.


How to Cite
Литвинець, Є. А., Сандурський, О. П., Тріщ В. I., & Кабіру, А. (2016). The research of the effectiveness and the safety in the treatment of patients with the non-bacterial chronic prostatitis. Health of Man, (2(57), 94–96.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biographies

Є. А. Литвинець, SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»

Литвинец Евгений Антонович

В. I. Тріщ, ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»

Трищ Владимир Иванович

А. Кабіру, ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет»

Кабиру Ахмат


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