Determination of endotheliocites destruction as a marker of vascular damage in ageing males


Г. Л. Пустовойт


The objective: is to evaluate the diagnostic value of the destruction of endothelial cells by calculating the levels of circulating CD32+, CD40+-microparticles as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in ageing males. Patients and methods. the study involved 64 men aged 45 to 76 years. The study group consisted of 40 men suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) in combination with arterial hypertension (AH) and the control group – 24 patients without the above-mentioned diseases. In both groups, the patients were divided into two subgroups: the subgroup of I – a persons of middle age (45–59 years), II subgroup – persons  60 years. The level of circulating endothelial cells was determined by counting CD32+, CD40+-microparticles (endothelial specific markers) by flow cytometry, endothelin levels in serum were determined by ELISA. Results. Both in the main and control groups elderly patients showed an increase in the number of circulating CD32+, CD40+microparticles compared with those of middle age: 5,06±1,92•107/L vs. 4,76±1,87•107/L (p>0,05) and 2,2±0,2•107/L vs. 1,99±0,3•107/L, respectively (p>0,05). Regardless of age in the study group the number of circulating CD32+, CD40+-microparticles were more than 2 times higher than in the control group: in the I subgroup 4,76±1,87•107/L vs. 1,99±0,3•107/L (p<0,01) in the subgroup II –5,06±1,92•107/L vs. 2,2±0,2•107/L, respectively (p<0,05), indicating the correlation of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2) and hypertension with damage of the endothelium. Regardless to age in men suffering from type 2 diabetes and hypertension, a higher level of endotelin compared with control group was revealed: 3,92±0,7 fmol/mL vs 1,82±0,27 fmol/mL (p<0,05) and 2,06±0,6 fmol/mL vs 1,28±0,25 fmol/mL respectively (p<0,05). Conclusion. Increased levels of circulating CD32+, CD40+microparticles simultaneously with increased levels of endothelin in ageing males with type 2 diabetes and hypertension show that these markers can be evaluated as indicators of endothelial destruction and dysfunction.


How to Cite
Пустовойт, Г. Л. (2016). Determination of endotheliocites destruction as a marker of vascular damage in ageing males. Health of Man, (2(57), 60–62.
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

Г. Л. Пустовойт, ВДНЗ «Українська медична стоматологічна академія», м. Полтава

А.Л. Пустовойт


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