Modern Aspects of the Use of Probiotic and Prebiotic Products in Urological Practice (Literature review)
The article discusses probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic products, their types, benefits and possibilities of use in urological practice. The effectiveness and safety of use is shown based on the analysis of various clinical studies.
Research results show that probiotics have a potentially positive effect on the host’s body in several different ways: 1) antagonism through the production of antimicrobial substances; 2) competition with pathogens for adhesion to the epithelium and for nutrients; 3) immunomodulation. Thanks to such mechanisms, the intestinal microbiota acts as a barrier to pathogens. Probiotic organisms are critical for maintaining the balance of the human gut microbiota and have high therapeutic potential. Some drugs of the group of probiotics contain only one type of microorganisms of normal microflora, other drugs contain several at once. Depending on the type of microorganisms contained in this or that probiotic, its therapeutic activity and scope of application are determined.
Prebiotics can be used as an alternative to probiotics or as additional support for them. The mechanism of action of the prebiotic includes an effect on the intestinal flora by increasing the number of beneficial anaerobic bacteria and reducing the population of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The effects of prebiotics include potentiation of the growth of normal intestinal biota, stimulation of mucosal immune mechanisms, and the possibility of influencing non-immune mechanisms through antagonism with potential intestinal pathogens.
The experience of using traditional probiotics, with the introduction of a sufficient amount of a new form of influence on the intestinal microflora – prebiotics, indicates a significant increase in the therapeutic effectiveness of such combinations (prebiotic + probiotic), which as a result increases the chance of complete elimination of the microbial agent, and also accelerates the process of restoring normal intestinal function . Synbiotics are products that contain both probiotics and prebiotics, combining their pharmacological effects.
One of the most well-known pharmacological groups capable of a positive effect on the intestinal biocenosis is natural enterosorbents. The appointment of an enterosorbent in the period after the use of antibiotic therapy in cases of treatment of urological infections should consist in choosing a drug containing a balanced composition of components aimed at sorption, as well as optimizing the growth of normal intestinal biota.
The development of biotherapeutic formulas containing both appropriate microbial strains and synergistic prebiotics can lead to increased therapeutic effect in the treatment of patients with urological pathology.

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