Effectiveness of the Complex Treatment with the Inclusion of Dietary Supplements on the Sexual Health in Men with Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis


Mykhailo Povoroznіuk


Chronic prostatitis is the most common inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which is difficult to treat and significantly impairs the quality of life. Today, not only middle-aged men are in the risk group, but also young and older men. One of the frequent manifestations of chronic prostatitis are sexual dysfunctions, which cause psycho-emotional disturbances and negatively affect various spheres of men’s life.

Maximum removal of sexual disorders is an important task in the treatment of this disease.

The objective: to analyze the effectiveness of complex treatment with the inclusion of dietary supplements on the sexual health in men with chronic bacterial prostatitis.

Materials and methods. 162 patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis with sexual dysfunction took part in the study. All men received complex antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. The average age of the examined persons was 33.4±0.6 years old. Sexual dysfunctions in patients were studied by the survey method. The questions and answer options were based on the International Index of Erectile Function.

After traditional complex antibacterial anti-inflammatory treatment, 87 patients of the 1st group (main group) received the dietary supplements produced by Harmony Ukraine Ltd. At the same time, of the 2d group (control one) did not receive additional treatment. Men of both groups were comparable in age and severity of disease manifestations, in particular sexual disorders, which were mostly pronounced.

Results. As a result of the treatment, the sexual health of patients in both groups improved: sexual desire increased, the frequency of intimate relations increased, erection improved, the duration of the friction period of sexual intercourse increased, as well as the brightness of orgasmic sensations.

The therapy was more effective in men of the 1st group. First of all, it concerned stability, duration and controllability of erection during sexual intercourse, increased sexual desire, regularity of intimate relations.

In persons who took additionally dietary supplements, the normalization of individual sexual functions was observed in 51.7–62.1% of cases; of all functions – in an average of 57.5% of cases. In patients who received only antibacterial anti-inflammatory treatment, individual sexual functions were completely restored in 33.3–41.3% of cases; all functions on average – in 38.0% of cases (р<0.01). Significantly pronounced sexual dysfunctions in men of the 1st group were not determined after treatment, they were found only in isolated cases; all of them on average – 0.9% of cases. In the persons of the 2d group, similar indicators were 6.7–25.3% of cases, respectively, on average – 14.3% of cases (р<0.001).

The positive effect of treatment with the inclusion of dietary supplements was determined in 82.8% of men. 60.9% of patients were very satisfied with the therapy. The specified treatment contributed to satisfaction with sexual relations and improved general health, and also had a positive effect on all spheres of men’s lives. At the same time, the patients who received only antibacterial anti-inflammatory therapy had its high effectiveness in 62.7% of cases (p<0.01). 30.7% of men were very satisfied with the treatment (p<0.001).

Conclusion. It is advisable to widely use dietary supplements in the complex therapy of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis with sexual disorders.


How to Cite
Povoroznіuk M. (2022). Effectiveness of the Complex Treatment with the Inclusion of Dietary Supplements on the Sexual Health in Men with Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis. Health of Man, (3), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.3.2022.270820
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

Mykhailo Povoroznіuk, Ukrainian State Institute of Reproductology of the P. L. Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Mykhailo V. Povorozniuk,



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