Treatment of Patients and Mechanisms of Development of Combined of Urolithiasis and Kidney Tumors (Literature review)
Urolithiasis is a disease which is characterized by the formation of stones in the urinary system and is one of the most actual problems in modern urology and medicine worldwide. Recently, there has been a steady spread of this disease. Urolithiasis ranks the second position in the structure of urological diseases in Ukraine, second only to infectious and inflammatory pathologies and accounts for 30-45 % of diseases of the genitourinary system.
Urolithiasis is manifested by the appearance of stones in the urinary system (most often the kidneys). The most common type of kidney cancer (KC) is renal cell carcinoma. It accounts for about 97 % of all kidney tumors. With the increase in the number of patients with renal tumors and urolithiasis, there is a clear tendency to increase the number of patients with a combination of these two serious diseases. Unfortunately, the question of the relationship and interdependence between the development of urolithiasis and kidney tumor remains open today.
The objective: to search, systematize and analyze scientific publications about the mechanisms of development and treatment of this combined pathology.
Infection and chronic inflammation cause the development of urothelial proliferation and the emergence of malignant neoplasms. Inflammatory cells secrete cytokines and chemokines in response to a chronic recurrent infectious-inflammatory process that causes tumor cell growth and tumor progression. Special attention in the publications is paid to the role of endothelial dysfunction in the development of kidney tumors. The importance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the mechanism of neoangiogenesis of KC is demonstrated. Management of the patients with combined pathology of urolithiasis and KC involves the doctor’s choice of the optimal method.
The analysis of literature publications demonstrates that today there are a number of issues devoted to the presence of KC and urolithiasis in one patient. These are the risks of such a combination, and the mechanisms of development, as well as determining the most rational and effective management in each case.
All above mentioned cause the need for further study of the treatment of patients with urolithiasis and kidney tumor.

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