Dustarin in the Treatment of Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Today the problem of treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the actual one.
BPH is an age-related chronic progressive disease. It is especially relevant for men over the age of 50 years. According to WHO demographic data, the world’s population is becoming older, so the incidence of BPH is going to increase, that leads to a significant decline in quality of life due to dysfunction of the lower urinary tract and the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
The management of BPH has evolved from surgery to conservative therapy. The use of 5α- reductase inhibitors, which affects the pathogenetic links of the disease, reduces the concentration of dihydrotestosterone and induces the apoptosis of epithelial cells of the prostate, is pathogenetically justified in the treatment of BPH.
The objective: to study the effectiveness of treatment of BPH with dutasteride, which belongs to the group of 5α-reductase inhibitors.
Materials and methods. 58 patients with BPH 52-75 years old were examined. The persons were divided into two groups. The patients in the first group received dutasteride for 6 months, the second group – for 12 months.
All patients were examined ambulatory by the laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods: an assessment of complaints by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), an assessment of the quality of life by the QoL scale, digital rectal and ultrasound examinations, bladder ultrasound examination, uroflowmetry, prostate-specific antigen level, general blood and urinary tests, determination of creatinine and urea. Uroflowmetry assessed the rate of urodynamics, identified and determined the degree of urinary disorders .
Results. A positive effect of dutasteride treatment was observed in patients of both groups, but the best results were in the second group. The regression of LUTS, decreased pancreatic volume and residual urine output were in the patients.
Conclusions. The results of the research demonstrated that dutasteride is an effective agent in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which acts on the mechanism of hyperplasia. The drug is well tolerated by patients. The effect of dutasteride treatment is achieved through its continuous and long-term use.
The timely diagnosis of BPH and its treatment will allow to stop the pathological process and return the man to a normal quality of life.

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