Methods of Haemostasis and Restore of Bladder-urethral Segment During Retropubic Prostatectomy in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The objective: to estimate methods of haemostasis and restore of bladder-urethral segment during retropubic prostatectomy in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Materials and methods. Analysis of methods of haemostasis and restore of bladder-urethral segment during retropubic prostatectomy in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia was performed.
Results. Open retropubic prostatectomy (like transbladder prostatectomy) was recommended by European Association of Urology (EAU, 2020) as operation of first choice for surgical treatment big size prostatic hyperplasias.
The authors gave such prevalences of retropubic prostatectomy over trans-bladder: operation is performed under visual control that gives haemostatic control of prostatic cavity and removing all parts of nodules; the bladder is not drainaged that avoids disuria in postoperative period, decreases postoperative bed-time and increases comfort for patients; urethra is cut by scissor in apical part of prostate that is prophylaxis tearing of urethra, trauma of exernal sphincter, stricture of memranaceas urethra and urine incontinence after operation; reconstruction of bladder-urethral segment is performed that is prophylaxis of stricture of bladder neck; surgeon can performed simultaneous hernioplasty and retropubic prostatectomy in case of inquinal hernia and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Arterial and venous blood supplying of bladder and enlarged prostate were wrote. Places of arterial and venous bleeding after cutting of prostatic capsule and removing nodules, prophylaxis suturing of arterial and venous bleeding places were noted. Original own methods of restoring of bladder-urethral segment and haemostasis of prostatic cavity by using two or three П-like catgut sutures were shown.
For simplifying operation and decreasing time of performing operation and increasing haemostasis of prostatic cavity authors recommended performing passing haemostatic sutures throught prostatic capsule only once and linking of sutures on muscle peaces from rectus muscle (or pyramidal muscle). In case of absent bleeding from prostatic cavity the simplify method of bladder neck trigonisation by using two П-like catgut sutures or two V-like catgut sutures on bladder neck for prophylaxis of bladder neck stenosis was recommended (proximal trigonisation of bladder neck in prostatic cavity). Review of haemostatic merhods of prostatic cavity during retropubic prostatectomy was shown.
Conclusion. Analysis of methods of haemostasis and restore of bladder-urethral segment and own original methods during retropubic prostatectomy in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia allow improve haemostasis of prostatic cavity, prophylaxis of bladder neck and urethra stenosis, decrease intraoperative bleeding and period of operation.

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