Vaginismus: Degrees of Expression, Clinical Forms, Family Parental Environment, Characteristics of Patients and Their Sexual Partners, Reactions to the Pathology, Data of Paraclinical Studies


Garnik Kocharyan


The article deals with and characterizes degrees of vaginismus expression, present in a number of classifications, and contains characteristics of the phobic and hysteric (conversion) forms of vaginismus. It presents a clinical case, which contains a detailed description of psychotraumatic circumstances that resulted in phobic vaginismus and supported its existence, as well as a case of penis captivus in a female patient supervised by the author of this article. Self-perception of the women, suffering from vaginismus, and their family and parental environment are described. In particular it is informed that in many women with vaginismus their fathers were extremely critical, imperious, moralistic and threatening. At the same time, they were sexually seductive with their daughters to an excessive degree. It seemed that in some specific way the daughter substituted for her mother. The fathers behaved like jealous lovers, when their daughters went around with men.

On the one hand, they were moralists, but on the other one they extremely concerned themselves with sexuality of their daughters. Also the article points out that half of the patients with vaginismus have alexithymia and discusses the issue of causal relationships between these two conditions. Data about a high rate of comorbid psychic disorders in patients with vaginismus, characteristics of sex partners of women with the above pathology, their responses to the existing disorder as well as information about their sexual dysfunctions are presented. Besides, findings of instrumental physiological examinations (electromyography – EMG) are presented; these demonstrate that women with vaginismus reveal an increased activity of muscles in their pelvic floor both at rest and during induction of vaginismus. The article also contains data, according to which vaginismus is associated with hystrionic-hysterical character traits and sexual distress.


How to Cite
Kocharyan, G. (2021). Vaginismus: Degrees of Expression, Clinical Forms, Family Parental Environment, Characteristics of Patients and Their Sexual Partners, Reactions to the Pathology, Data of Paraclinical Studies. Health of Man, (1), 58–64.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

Garnik Kocharyan, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Garnik S. Kocharyan,

Department of Sexology and Medical Psychology


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