Modern Algorithm for Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Men That Lead to Infertility


Oleh Nikitin
Mykola Yasynetsky


The problem of sterile marriage provides great importance throughout the world. Infertility is a condition that is accompanied by a number of diseases of the genital organs and systemic diseases of the male or female organism. According to various literary sources, about 50–100 million people suffer from infertility in the world, that is, one out of 5–7 couples of reproductive age suffers from infertility.

The problem of infertility in marriage is of particular importance in the context of the demographic crisis in Ukraine, where the frequency of infertile marriage among married couples of reproductive age is 10,0–15,0 %, and in some regions this indicator is close to 20,0 %. In Ukraine, there are more than 1 million infertile married couples, the male factor in the structure of infertility is about 40-50 % of cases. Most authors point to the polyetiology of male infertility. In its development, a significant role is assigned to such factors as neuropsychic, infectious toxic, congenital and genetic reasons, exogenous and habitual intoxications, ionizing radiation, dysfunctions of the endocrine glands and other internal organs, exposure to temperatures, vascular disorders, damage to the genital organs and their autoimmune lesions.

Infertility is a complex and multifaceted problem, and there are a lot of different questions which need to solve. Particular difficulties arise in determining the treatment tactics in cases where there is a combination of various causes of infertility in a married couple. Opportune examination of partners with using modern hardware, laboratory and genetic methods is very important, and it allows to prescribe an effective treatment.

The use of reproductive technologies significantly expands the possibilities for solving the problem of infertility. However, their main purpose is the birth of a child; treatment of diseases that have led to infertility requires additional efforts.

In this regard, the development of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of sterile marriage remains one of the actual problems.


How to Cite
Nikitin, O., & Yasynetsky, M. (2021). Modern Algorithm for Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Men That Lead to Infertility. Health of Man, (4), 8–14.
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Author Biographies

Oleh Nikitin, Bogomolets National Medical University

Oleh D. Nikitin,

Department of Urology

Mykola Yasynetsky, Bogomolets National Medical University

Mykola O. Yasynetsky,

Department of Urology


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