Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Drug Pharmaprost in Monotherapy in Patients with a Combination of Grade I Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis
The objective: effectiveness of the drug PHARMAPROST manufactured by SYSTEM PHARM (Ukraine) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) I degree in combination with chronic abacterial prostatitis, (NIH USA, category IIIa CP/CPPS – chronic prostatitis and chronic chronic syndrome) pain with signs of inflammation), assessment of the quality of treatment by patients, the study of intolerance and possible side effects of the study drug.
Materials and methods. The Ukrainian Institute of Sexology and Andrology studied the clinical efficacy of PHARMAPROST manufactured by SYSTEM PHARM (Ukraine) in patients with grade I BPH in combination with chronic abacterial prostatitis.
Study design: examined and treated 60 men with BPH I degree in combination with chronic abacterial prostatitis, aged 48 to 66 years and disease duration from 6 months to 12 years. The treatment program consisted of two courses of rectal suppositories PHARMAPROST for 10 days a night, the interval between courses was 20 days. All 60 patients completed the full course of treatment.
Evaluation of effectiveness: the study included two visits (before and after treatment), during which a history was collected, physical examination, laboratory examination of ejaculate (clinical analysis and bacteriological examination), questionnaire, uroflowmetry, ultrasound. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated 30 days after the end of the course.
Results. The obtained data confirm the clinical efficacy of PHARMAPROST presented inUkraine by SYSTEM PHARM (Ukraine) in 60 patients with a combination of grade I BPH and chronic abacterial prostatitis (NIHUSA, category IIIa CP/CPPS – chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic syndrome) signs of inflammation). High clinical (89.6–91.7 %) efficacy of this drug has been proven. Treatment was accompanied by good tolerability and minimal side effects.
Conclusions. The use of the drug PHARMAPROST in the treatment of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis and BPH I degree is clinically justified and effective (89.6–91.7 %). The use of the drug PHARMAPROST is accompanied by good tolerability and a small number of side effects (8.3 %). The obtained results allow to recommend the use of the drug PHARMAPROST as monotherapy of patients with a combination of BPH I degree and chronic abacterial prostatitis.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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