Effectiveness of Monotherapy with an Extract of Anchorais Flowing in Men with Age Androgen Deficiency
The work shows the use of the non-hormonal drug TRILONG to activate the production of its own hormones in the treatment of hypogonadal conditions in men.
The objective: study of the effectiveness of the drug Trilong in the treatment of age-related androgen deficiency (VAD) in men.
Materials and methods. A study of the drug TRILONG was performed in 35 patients with VAD between the ages of 42 and 59 years (mean age 51.3±3.4 years) and the duration of disease verification from 6 months to 12 years. All 35 patients were examined in dynamics – before treatment and 1 month after the end of TRILONG monotherapy 750 mg 2 times a day after meals.
Results. Monotherapy with an extract of Tribulus terrestris for 3 months contributed to a significant improvement in the androgenic status of men. We did not establish reliable effects of pituitary hormone stimulation in the plasma profiles of patients. Daily fluctuations in the prolactin profiles, as the most sensitive to various exogenous and endogenous factors, hormones, we did not find. TRILONG monotherapy is effective in correcting androgen status in men with VAD (an increase in T after treatment was 66.1 %). The effectiveness of therapy was 91.4 %. A decrease in the content of estradiol in peripheral blood by an average of 21.1 % occurred within the range of reference indicators and reflected the fact of harmonization of androgen metabolism.
Conclusion. The drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause unwanted effects, and it can be considered as a drug of the first row of hormone-reduced therapy for VAD in men. Changes in the concentration of testosterone and estradiol under the influence of TRILONG monotherapy can be regarded as a slowdown in the process of age-related involution of men.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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