Results of Application of Predictors of Inflammation in Patients with Urolithiasis
Despite the progress in the study of urolithiasis, the problem of the occurrence of this pathology remains one of the most complex and not yet fully resolved. In terms of prevalence, this pathology inUkrainetakes the second place among all urological diseases. Among the adult population of the planet, urolithiasis is observed in more than 4 %. InUkraine, approximately 7 % of the adult population suffer from urolithiasis. The growth rate of the incidence is 0,16–0,22, and the incidence rate is 30–40 % of the entire urological pathology, which indicates an unfavorable prognosis regarding the further spread of this disease. Joining an infection, which exacerbates the disease and worsens the prognosis, is observed in almost 70 %. Early diagnosis, timely diagnosis and determination of treatment for urolithiasis play a large role in the final result of the disease.
The objective: was to determine the effectiveness of the use of inflammation predictors in patients with urolithiasis and to model further treatment tactics.
Materials and methods. The publication provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the results of the examination of 70 patients with urolithiasis, who, according to the standard of care, underwent a complete urological examination. All patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I included 36 patients who underwent conservative therapy. The second group consisted of 34 patients who underwent surgery.
Results. When analyzing the results of peripheral blood in two groups, no significant differences were found (P>0,05). That is why, the analysis of these indicators was carried out with an additional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of urine with mandatory consideration of the clinical picture of the disease. According to the results of the study, the indicators of markers of early damage to the kidneys were more informative than general laboratory ones and indicated the presence of signs of an infectious and inflammatory process in the first 12–24 hours.
Conclusion. As a result of a clinical study, it was proved that the use of predictors of inflammation, as a diagnostic criterion for an infectious and inflammatory process, is a valuable clinical tool for urolithiasis, which in more than 50 % of cases, even before the appearance of general clinical and laboratory changes, indicates the development of the inflammatory process and impaired renal function in the first 12–24 hours. Thanks to the study, it was possible to develop an algorithm for examining and choosing a method for treating patients with urolithiasis.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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