Biological Therapy of Patients with Hypersexuality


Г. С. Кочарян


The article notes that hypersexuality can be eliminated with successful therapy of the pathology that led to its appearance, as well as the need to treat concomitant pathological mental conditions that can directly or indirectly affect problematic sexual behavior. Medications of various groups that are used to eliminate hypersexuality are presented: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, opiate receptor blockers, antiepileptic drugs, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, cholinesterase inhibitor rivastigmine, estrogens, analogues of gonadotropin releasing hormone, normotonic lithium carbonate and etc., as well as some recommendations for the management of patients with Parkinson’s disease in whom hypersexuality resulted from the use of dopaminergic drugs. Cases of the use of electroconvulsive therapy and deep brain stimulation in this pathology are submitted.


How to Cite
Кочарян, Г. С. (2019). Biological Therapy of Patients with Hypersexuality. Health of Man, (3), 43–46.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

Г. С. Кочарян, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Garnik S. Kocharyan,

Department of Sexology and Medical Psychology


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