Urine Enzyme and Cytokine Levels in the Diagnosis of the Functional State of the Renal Parenchyma in Children with Pathology of the Ureterovesicular Segment After Ureterocystoneostomy
The objective: to study the dynamics of the levels of excretion of cytokines TNF-α and TGF-β11 and the activity of renospecific enzymes NAG and β-Gal in the urine of children with refluxing megaureter (MU) at different times after transfusion ureterocystoneostomy.
Materials and methods. Before surgical treatment, 45 children aged 4 to 15 years (22 boys, 23 girls) were examined who were diagnosed with MU according to imaging assessment methods: 18 patients with non-refluxing MU, 27 patients with refluxing MU before and after reconstructive operations. Three to four weeks after the operation, 36 patients were examined, after 4–6 months, 24 patients. The reference group consisted of data obtained from 25 practically healthy children of similar age with normal urine tests (without protein, leukocyte, erythrocyte and crystalluria, mucus and bacteria).
Results. The findings suggest that after reconstructive operations of the urinary tract in some patients there are signs of impaired renal function, followed by its deterioration. At the same time, it is known that a decrease in pressure in the ureter after urodynamic restoration with time leads to a certain normalization of some biomarkers of inflammation and proliferation in children with congenital malformations of the uretero-vesicular segment (UVS).
Conclusion. Based on the obtained results, it can be argued that quantitative indicators of the content of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and profibrogenic cytokine TGF-β1 in the urine, as well as the activity levels of conditionally renospecific enzymes of NAG and β-galactosidase (β-Gal) urine in children with congenital malformations of UVS non-invasive and diagnostically informative biomarkers. We believe that it is advisable to allocate children with congenital malformations to a separate risk group for the development of nephrosclerosis, which requires timely renoprotective therapy.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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