Features of therapy of resistant forms of chlamydial infection
The objective: the analysis of the effectiveness of treatment of resistant forms of urogenital chlamydia in using a combination of antibiotic therapy with an inducer of endogenous interferon Overseen.
Materials and methods. 38 men with urogenital chlamydiosis, in combination with chronic prostatitis, were examined. Patients were divided into groups. The main group included 20 patients, in the comparison group – 18 patients, in the control group – 20 practically healthy men. All patients before and after treatment were monitored for clinical, biochemical, immunological parameters of blood. The main group (20 patients) received antibacterial therapy in combination with Overin (250 mg IM once a day, every other day, only 10 injections). Patients in the comparator group received standard doxycycline therapy of 200–400 mg per day for 14 days.
Results. After the treatment of urogenital chlamydia, the immune parameters of the blood improved to a greater extent in patients receiving an endogenous interferon inducer. Control of cure of patients who participated in the study was performed 30 and 60 days after the completion of etiotropic therapy. In patients of the main group who additionally received Overin, elimination of the pathogen was achieved in 95% of cases, in the comparison group this indicator was 88.8%. 30 days after the treatment, only 2 (10%) patients in the main group maintained dysuric syndrome, while in the group comparing the increase in urination was noted in 6 (33.3%) patients. Chronic pain in the pelvic organs after treatment was maintained in 1 (5%) of the patients in the primary group and in 3 (16.6%) patients in the comparison group.
Conclusion. The use of Overin in combination with antibacterial agents increases the effectiveness of the treatment of resistant forms of urogenital chlamydia and accelerates the regression of dysuric phenomena and pain in pelvic organs associated with chronic prostatitis. Overin is well tolerated by patients and does not have clinically significant side effects.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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