Pathomorphological features of the inflammatory process of the tissues of the prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia in patients, depending on the infectious agents of sexually transmitted diseases


А. М. Романенко
С. П. Пасєчніков
В. М. Григоренко
В. С. Грицай
А. С. Глєбов
О. В. Кравченко


The objective: the detection of pathomorphological features of the inflammatory process in the intraoperatively removed prostate tissue of the prostate cancer patients (RPZ) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) depending on the infectious agents of sexually transmitted diseases.

Materials and methods. 317 patients aged 42 to 83 years (mean 62 years) were examined, of which 122 patients with RPD had undergone radical prostatectomy and 195 patients with BPH - prostatectomy.

Results. The obtained results suggest that the pronounced degree of inflammatory process occurs only in patients with prostate cancer infected with sexually transmitted diseases pathogens, whereas in noninfected, predominant light stomach or a lack of inflammation and pronounced degree is not determined at below. Patients with prostate cancer are more likely to have symptoms of severe inflammation, areas of the tumor beyond the tumor and poorly differentiated tumors.

Conclusion. The established facts require further in-depth study of this problem in order to better understand the etiopathogenesis and improve treatment and prophylaxis of prostate tumors.


How to Cite
Романенко, А. М., Пасєчніков, С. П., Григоренко, В. М., Грицай, В. С., Глєбов, А. С., & Кравченко, О. В. (2018). Pathomorphological features of the inflammatory process of the tissues of the prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia in patients, depending on the infectious agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Health of Man, (2), 83–87.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

А. М. Романенко, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Alina M. Romanenko,

Head of Laboratory of Pathomorphology

С. П. Пасєчніков, Bogomolets National Medical University, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Serhii P. Pasiechnikov,

Head of Department of Urology of Bogomolets National Medical University,

Head of Department of Inflammatory Diseases of State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

В. М. Григоренко, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Viacheslav M. Grygorenko,

Head of Department of Reconstructive Urology and Innovative Technologies

В. С. Грицай, Bogomolets National Medical University

Viktor S. Grytsai,

Department of Urology

А. С. Глєбов, Bogomolets National Medical University

Anton S. Glyebov,

Department of Urology

О. В. Кравченко, State Institution «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine»

Oleksandr V. Kravchenko,

Department of Inflammatory Diseases


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