Macro- and microelement status of patients with kidney stone disease
The objective: to study the macro- and micro-elemental composition of blood in patients with urolithiasis and to substantiate the feasibility of using polyelemental medications.
Materials and methods. A total of 65 patients with urolithiasis(calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis), aged 20 to 65 years were examined. A control group, comprised 25 healthy individuals of the same age as the patients. Determination of microelements of blood serum was performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (A.G. Babenko, 1996).
Results. The study showed that the micro- and macroelement composition of blood in patients with urolithiasis was changed, what was manifested by a decreased concentration of magnesium, zinc with an excessive content of copper and calcium, and relatively normal values of cobalt and manganese. This can be explained by the fact that urolithiasis is accompanied by an energetic deficency which indicates the duration of the process. The obtained results allow to conclude that macro- and microelement blood analysis may be of interest in the field of urology as a noninvasive test for the identification of patients with mineral metabolism failure in order to further correction of such disorders and also as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and preventing complications.
Conclusions. In patients with urolithiasis, there are disorders in the compound of macro- and microelements, which are manifested by an increase in the level of copper, calcium with simultaneous deficiency of zinc and magnesium. The presence of imbalance in the bioelement system is one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of development and progression of urolithiasis.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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