The results of combined conservative treatment after photoselective laser vaporization of the prostate gland over her benign hyperplasia


І. І. Горпинченко
Ю. М. Гурженко
В. В. Спиридоненко
А. М. Ситенко


The objective: to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined therapy with Serenoa repens extract (Prostamol Uno) and selective α-adrenoblocker (Flosin) in patients with BPH stage II III after performing Photoselective Laser Vaporization of the Prostate (PLVP).

Materials and methods. The patients were divided into four clinical groups. Patients in group 1 (n = 17) did not take medical treatment after FSLVP, follow up was established for them. Patients in the 2nd group (n = 28) received monotherapy with Prostamol Uno, which they took before bedtime 1 capsule daily for 3 years. Patients in 3rd group (n = 27) received Flosin in a dose of 0.4 mg, 1 capsule per day in the morning after eating for 3 years. Persons in the 4th group (n = 29) received combination therapy: Prostamol Uno 1 capsule per day before bedtime and Flosin in a dose of 0.4 mg, 1 capsule per day in the morning, after eating, for 3 years. The examination carried out in the period after 1 and 3 years.

Results. As a result of the study, it was found that the best results were observed in patients who received combined conservative therapy with Serenoa repens extract and tamsulosin after PLVP.

Conclusions. Rehabilitation in persons with BPH, who under went minimally invasive interventions PLVP require long term therapy with a combination of palm extract Sabal (Prostamol Uno) and selective α-blocker (Flosin). Combination therapy with  Prostamol Uno and Floxin is pathogenetically highly effective and safe, which facilitates the rapid elimination of irritative and obstructive symptoms, with an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.


How to Cite
Горпинченко, І. І., Гурженко, Ю. М., Спиридоненко, В. В., & Ситенко, А. М. (2017). The results of combined conservative treatment after photoselective laser vaporization of the prostate gland over her benign hyperplasia. Health of Man, (4(63), 43–47.
For practicing physicians
Author Biographies

І. І. Горпинченко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

I. Gorpynchenko

Ю. М. Гурженко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

Yu. Gurzhenko

В. В. Спиридоненко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

V. Spyrydonenko

А. М. Ситенко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України»

A. Sytenko


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