Study of glucamic blood profiles in patients with diabetes mellitus after maloinvasive treatment of ureterolytiaz
Patients and methods. The study involved 164 patients and 12 healthy volunteers, of whom men accounted for 93 (56,7%), women – 71 (43,3%) persons. The age range of patients is 19–53 years, on average – 34,6±5,5 years. The average age of women is 30,1±2,9 years, and men are 37,6±3,1 years. Patients were divided into IV clinical groups: I – patients with ureterolithiasis and diabetes, which were performed by TUKL (n=34); II – patients with ureterolithiasis and diabetes, which were conducted by the EWHL (n=32); III – patients with ureterolithiasis without diabetes, which was performed by TUKL (n=41); IV – patients with ureterolithiasis without diabetes, which was performed by ESWL (n=57). The control group consisted of healthy volunteers with no signs of pathology (n=12).
Results.The studies were performed before and after disintegration of stones by the method of transurethral contact lithotripsy (TUKL) and ESWL. The diagnosis of SCH was verified using clinical, anamnestic, laboratory and instrumental research methods in accordance with the MOH protocols, before and after the disintegration of stones by the method of transurethral contact lithotripsy (TUCL) and ESWL.
Conclusion. The elevated HbA1c level indicates chronic hyperglycemia over a long period of time, with the presence of displacements of carbohydrate homeostasis and the need for its correction during and during the surgical intervention for ureterolithiasis. At the time of minimally invasive treatment of ureterolithiasis, the presence of the factor of an operating trauma, with manifestations of permanent obstruction in the upper urinary tract (operation of the Eucharist), did not contribute to the reduction of glucose levels in plasma and urine, in contrast to the states with the rapid elimination of acute calculous obstruction (TUKL operation). Compliance with the protocol for the provision of assistance to patients with diabetes mellitus, which is scheduled for operative treatment, allows for a possible improvement of the state of patients in the postoperative period and reducing the risk of postoperative complications.
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