Algorithm of small renal masses treatment
Recently, against the backdrop of widespread use of diagnostic techniques, significantly increased the number of accidentally detected asymptomatic small renal tumors sized 4,0 cm (small renal masses, SRM). Nephrone-sparing surgery (NSS) is a priority during the choice of their treatment. However, at present there are no clear criteria for determining the technical feasibility of individual NSS techniques.
Based on previous research, we have developed our own scale (Local Varieties of Intrarenal tumour Visualisation [LVIV]), which makes it possible to determine the technical possibility of NSS performing in SRM patients taking into account the characteristics of intrarenal tumor.
We proposed and put into use own algorithm to determine the optimal method of surgical treatment of SRM. By using this algorithm based on the calculation of the individual score LVIV score, only 7 (4.2%) among 168 patients needed for conversion to another therapeutic option.
Thus, the proposed own scale using LVIV score is able to determine the presence of technical possibility of different types of NSS treatment in SRM patients with accuracy of 95.8%.

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