Uzing of endourethral and intravaginal electrostimulation of urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles іn complex treatment of women with stress urinary incontinence without prolapse of pelvic organs


В. І. Горовий


The objective: determine the effectiveness of the use of endourethral and intravaginal electrostimulation (ES) of the sphincter apparatus of the urethra and pelvic floor muscles in the complex treatment of women with stress incontinence (SNM) with the Intraton-1 apparatus.
Patients and methods. The analysis of complex treatment of 163 women with stress urinary incontinence without prolapse of pelvic organs by uzing of endourethral (102 patients) and intravaginal (61patients) electrostimulation of urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles was carried out for the last 25 years.
Results. After endourethral electrostimulation recovery was noted in 37 (36,3%) women, improvement in 51 (50%) women, without changing in 14 (13,7%) women. After intravaginal electrostimulation recovery was noted in 24 (39,3%) women, improvement in 31 (50,8%) women, without changing in 6 (9,8%). Results of treatment in both groups were not statistically different but intravaginal electrostimulation was less invasive procedure and was not needed using of medicine drugs for prophуlacsis disuria and cystitis.
Conclusion. Because of recurrence symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in most of patients after 3–6 month after electrostimulation they are needed in repeated courses of electrostimulation after that period of time.


How to Cite
Горовий, В. І. (2017). Uzing of endourethral and intravaginal electrostimulation of urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles іn complex treatment of women with stress urinary incontinence without prolapse of pelvic organs. Health of Man, (2(61), 97–99.
Female urology
Author Biography

В. І. Горовий, Вінницька обласна клінічна лікарня імені М.І. Пирогова

V.I. Gorovyy


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