Bandaging of pathological shunts when treating a veinqocclusive form erectile dysfunction
The objective: improving the effectiveness of treatment of the venous form of ED by identifying the mechanism of violations of venous hemodynamics of the vesicouteric plexus, the vessels of the penis, improving their diagnosis and developing new approaches to the treatment of venous coronary ED.
Patients and methods. Based on the Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology them. V.I. Shapoval during the period from 2015 to 2017, 64 patients with a vein-occlusive form of erectile dysfunction were examined and treated and 18 patients were examined for control.
Results. Patients underwent haemodynamic studies of the penis, detection of venous insufficiency of the penis by ultrasound in the regime of dopplerography and cavernosography. The operative treatment of patients with veno-occlusive form of ED was performed and a comparative characteristic of the parameters of erectile function was performed with patients who underwent conservative treatment.
According to the results of surgical treatment, it was found that subjective assessment of erectile function (on the scale of IIEF-5) after 2 weeks increased by 7.6 points, which is 2.5 times more effective than conservative treatment (IIEF-5 indicators increased by 3.1 points).
Conclusions. Effective treatment of venous insufficiency of the penis is to limit the pathological discharge of blood from the cavernous bodies by performing a modified Marmara operation with ligation of pathological shunts.

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