The state of free radical oxidation in people with diabetes mellitus, who underwent a minimally invasive treatment of ureterolithiasis
Patients and methods. The study involved 204 people, of which the male sex was 130 (63,7%), the female – 74 (36,3%). The average age of women is 30,1±2,9 years, men – 37,6±3,1 years. The subjects were divided into VI clinical groups: I (n=57) – persons with DM and ureterolithiasis who underwent TUCL and CA therapy per os; II (n=44) – persons with diabetes and ureterolithiasis, who underwent TUKL without HS therapy; III (n=32) – persons with diabetes and ureterolithiasis who underwent ESWL without HS therapy; IV (n=41) – persons with ureterolithiasis without diabetes who underwent TUCL without HS therapy; V (control 1) – of the person with diabetes, who had an independent passage of stones from the ureter (n=18); VI (control 2) – healthy volunteers, with no signs of pathology (n=12).
Results. The studies were carried out before and after the disintegration of the stones by the method of transurethral contact lithotripsy (TUCL) and ESWL. The purpose of determining the activity of the LPO process according to the level of secondary. The analysis of the parameters of the free-radical oxidation system, the dependence of their changes on the severity of disorders in other links of homeostasis and the stage of diabetic nephropathy, contributes to a more complete assessment of the patient’s condition and the definition of treatment prospects.
Conclusion. Metabolic homeostasis indicators reflect the intense processes of the system of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection, in persons with ureterolithiasis and sugar diabetes. In most cases, these changes in homeostasis are decompensated and are characterized by a high risk of developing side-effects, especially when using the ESWL technique, in contrast to the TUCL technique.
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