The effectiveness of phytotherapy against the backq ground of the use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in persons with chronic calculous prostatitis
The objective: establish the clinical effectiveness of Canephron® N in individuals with chronic calculous prostatitis, as a component of complex therapy.
Patients and methods. In the department of andrology and sexology, the Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a study of the drug Canephron® N. was conducted in 30 patients (group I) with verified chronic calculous prostatitis (HCP), in the stage of unstable remission, aged 37 to 52 years 39,2±1,9 years), a complex treatment was performed in the form of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWL), in combination with a daily dose of Canephron® N (90 days). Group II (n=30) consisted of patients with a similar condition (mean age 37,2±1,0 years) who received treatment in the form of ESWT and monotherapy with tamsulosin 0,4 mg/day for 30 days. The comparison group (group III) consisted of 15 patients with similar parameters, receiving only ESWT.
Results. The use of Canephron® N in complex HCV therapy with ESWT creates all the conditions for the implementation of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antilithogenic and antispasmodic effects, with excellent compliance for 90 days. Its high compliance with the appointment in the form of anti-relapse courses of HCV therapy, with the possibility of effective correction of CPPS.
Conclusion. Complex therapy of patients with chronic calculous prostatitis, with the inclusion of Canephron® N in the herbal preparation, is a highly effective method of treatment. The use of Canephron® N in individuals with calculous prostatitis can reliably reduce the severity of the infectious-inflammatory reaction and improve the patient’s quality of life.

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