Efficacy of the treatment of renal bleeding after a percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Materials and methods. On the basis of the urological clinic of the Lviv National Medical University named after Daniil Galitsky, the results of 2223 cases of cervical cancer were analyzed in patients with various types of nephrolithiasis. Prior to surgery, patients underwent laboratory tests: a general blood test, urine, a biochemical blood test, a coagulogram. The presence of concrements was confirmed by clinical, radiological and ultrasound examinations. Patients with renal bleeding additionally performed aortography and selective angiography of the kidney vessels.
Results. According to the results of the study, 63 (2.83%) patients had renal bleeding after performing cervical cancer. The article presents the results of the study of a clinical case of successful angiography of the kidney vessels with subsequent superselective embolization and a clinical case with late postoperative hemorrhage.
Conclusion. With the diagnostic and therapeutic purpose for complicated renal bleeding, which does not lend itself to conservative therapy, bolus angiography of the kidney vessels is indicated. It is proved that nephrectomy is a method of selecting renal bleeding in case of ineffectiveness or impossibility of performing super selective embolization.

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