Cancer of prostatic gland in the aspect of basic results of specialized aid
In the work based of the data of the official statistics, were studied the basic data which characterize the organization and quality of the specialized medical aid to the patients with cancer of prostatic gland (CPG), and, with the help of analytical synthetic, comparative analysis, was presented their dynamics in Ukraine and its regions. The 10-year period (2004–2013), divided into two 5-year ones, allowed to define the tendencies and peculiarities of processes which were supplemented by the data of 2014–2015 and which are of separate interest from the point of view activities taking place in the country.
There were defined the problems requiring the intensive attention. The concentration of efforts must be directed on the earlier detected patients. In spite on the growth of patients revealed during the periodic health examination, their percentage does not exceed 25%, in the lower part the CPG is first diagnosed at the I–II stages, in every forth in III and fifth – in IV. The tendency to the number reduction of patients died before a year from the moment of making diagnosis started to reveal itself since 2009 and decreased to 15,5±0,9% in 2013 up to 12,7±0,8% in 2015.
Against the background of the gradual increase of the CPG patients who are followed up – 5 years, the index is still low. Its averaged during 2004–2015 size is 38,1±0,8% and only in the Capital it is statistically higher (40,4±1,3%). The negative dynamics of mortality, the rate of which nevertheless decreases with time (by 16,7%, 5,4% and 3,7% corresponding to the years), in 2015 reached 18,42 per 100 000, also emphasizes the actuality of the problem – the improvement of quality and enhancement of the organization of medical care to the CPG patients. The detected regional changes allowed to single out those who need the increased attention which is an important aspect for the key decisions.

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