The prediction of silodosin expected effectiveness in the lower urinary tract symptoms treatment with benign prostatic hyperplasia patients
The objective: of this study was to predict the results of silodosin treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients with lower urinary tract symptoms based on pharmacourodynamical test with a single dose of 8 mgs of silodosin (urorec).
Patients and methods. The given data concerning the state of the urine flow at urination 51 benign prostatic hyperplasia patients after pharmacourodynamical test realization with uroselective alpha1-adrenoblockers silodosin and 24 patients after silodosin treatment have been presented for a month. The study was conducted with the help of uroflowmetr «Flow-K».
Results. The test with a reception 8 mgs silodosin (urorec) allows promptly (within a few hours) obtain an increase in urine flow velocity indicators on average 26–32%. Results of uroflowmetry after pharmacourodynamical test realization with a reception 8 mgs of silodosin (urorec) with benign prostatic hyperplasia patients which do not differ from those ones after silodosin (urorec) treatment for a month. In the absence of a positive response to receiving silodosin necessary to carry out further investigation to determine the patency of the urethra and detrusor state.
Conclusion. A pharmacourodynamical silodosin test is the high informative method of prognostication of the silodosin treatment expected results.

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