Current trends in the choice of alternative methods of therapy of patients with erectile dysfunction on the background of prostate diseases of inflammatory and dyshormonal genesis
Objective: to analyze the efficacy and tolerability of the use of the drug Pravenor® Forte in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) on the background of chronic prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia (PH).
Materials and methods. The study involved 60 patients with ED who were divided into two groups. The majority of patients in both groups had chronic diseases. Patients of the main group (n = 30) received Pravenor® Forte 2 capsules per day for 30 days. Patients of the comparison group (n = 30) had ED correction without using the drug Pravenor® Forte. The diagnosis of ED was established by studying the anamnesis, objective clinical and laboratory and specialized examination.
Results. Prescription of the drug Pravenor® Forte significantly increased the indices of ICEF: erection achievement - by 89.4%, erection with sexual stimulation – 68.4%, and erection adequacy - by 66.7%. Erectile function increased by 86%, satisfaction with sexual intercourse by 84%, orgasm by 79.4%, libido by 84.9%, overall satisfaction by 50%. The patients of the comparison group had no significant change in ICEF parameters.
Conclusion. The drug Pravenor® Forte is effective, safe, convenient to use, which, combined with an affordable price, makes it advisable to prescribe it in ED therapy. Thanks to the multicomponent composition, Pravenor® Forte eliminates not only erectile dysfunction, but also symptoms of the inflammatory and dyshormonal genital diseases.

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