Treatment of delayed ejaculation of various etiologies
Delayed ejaculation (DE) – a serious problem for male psychological self-esteem, but relatively rare sexual disorder as a consequence, little studied, and is still not formed guideline treatment strategy.
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated treatment of DE in patients with different etiologies.
Patients and methods. On the base of KRCCUN named by Shapoval for the period 2008–2016 years were diagnosed and treated 82 patients with delayed ejaculation. Patients were divided into two groups, depending on the etiology of the disease: Organic (40 patients) and Nonorganic (psychotic) – 42 patients. Both groups of patients were comparable in age, habit, and the severity of symptoms of DE. All patients were collected sexual history was determined by the duration of intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), conducted a survey on the IIEF and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), performed ultrasound of the genitourinary system. At the end of each treatment was conducted poll-survey on the satisfaction of the treatment (yes/no). In the group of organic disorders prescribed vitamin B6, uridine and trophy-stimulation therapy. The nonorganic pathology group received sertraline or buspirone. All patients during treatment were conducted psychological therapy.
Results. In the group of patients with organic causes of DE reception uridine фтвvitamin B6 increased the overall index of IIEF (to 20,5±1,7), but the addition of trophy-stimulation therapy further improve this ratio (from 17,6±3,1 to 22,1±2,0). Among patients with non-organic causes of DE results IIEF index while taking buspirone was higher (23,3±2,2), than in the sertraline group (21,5±1,9).
Conclusions. When organic reason DE high efficiency (68,1%) was recorded in the application neuroregenerative therapy (Uridine phosphate, vit B6, trophy-stimulation therapy), when the psychic nature of the highest efficiency demonstrated buspirone (77,3%).

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