Risk factors for renewal of fertility in married couples with male infertility using the assisted reproductive technologies


Ю. М. Гурженко
А. О. Куценко


Here are the results of studying the risk factors for development of male infertility and their probable influence on the results of renewal of fertility in 180 married couple, caused by the indicated reason. The study was performed at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine (Kyiv). The examination and service through the Program of intracystoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were performed according to the actual protocol. The anamnesis method allowed to determine 25 factors and 51 features which disclose their essence. They were parted into three groups by the direction of action: social, biologic/common medical, specifically medical.
There was assessed the connection between the result of the ICSI Program and risk factor (feature) through the index of chance ratio. Following the received data, new potentialities to improve the principles for prophylaxis are opening; and the cause-effect relationship between the factors (features), especially of specifically medical direction, will ensure the personified approach to the selection of method of assisted reproductive technologies.


How to Cite
Гурженко, Ю. М., & Куценко, А. О. (2016). Risk factors for renewal of fertility in married couples with male infertility using the assisted reproductive technologies. Health of Man, (3(58), 170–173. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.3(58).2016.104880
Male Infertility and Family Planning
Author Biographies

Ю. М. Гурженко, ДУ «Інститут урології НАМН України», м. Київ

YU.N. Gurzhenko

А. О. Куценко, Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти імені П.Л. Шупика, м. Київ

А.О. Кutsenko


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