Perioperative results and complications of the open radical cystectomy


С. О. Возіанов
С. М. Шамраєв
В. Д. Васильєва
О. К. Носов
І. О. Генбач
Д. М. Шамраєва


Retrospectively treatment data of 84 patients that had open Radical Cystectomy due to invasive and receding non invasive bladder cancer, it`s exstrophy and necrosis as a result of radiotherapy were analyzed. The age group was from 19 to 81. Patients 50–70 years of age (58%)  were prevalent in the group. The patients were separated into 3 groups based of Clavien Dindo classification: first group consisted of 48 patients (57%) who had no complications after surgery; second group consisted of 18 patients (21.4%), who developed I II degrees complications; third group consisted of 18 patients (21.4%) who developed III–V degree complications. Three year overall survival among  patients without post surgical complications, with «small» or «large»     complications consists of 66,7%, 33,3% and 27,8%, accordingly. Risk factors of complications and early mortality after Radical Cystectomy   were analyzed. Patient based factors (tendency for deterioration of  post surgical results among patients older than 65 years) and surgeon (<10 Radical Cystectomy a year) that influence the outcome of treatment should be considered prior to the surgical procedure. Timely correction of complications allows reducing the risk of late or long termmortality.


How to Cite
Возіанов, С. О., Шамраєв, С. М., Васильєва, В. Д., Носов, О. К., Генбач, І. О., & Шамраєва, Д. М. (2015). Perioperative results and complications of the open radical cystectomy. Health of Man, (4(55), 101–105.
Author Biographies

С. О. Возіанов, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

S.A. Vozianov

С. М. Шамраєв, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

S.N. Shamrayev

В. Д. Васильєва, Национальный медицинский университет им. А.А. Богомольца

V.D. Vasilieva

О. К. Носов, НИИ онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова

A.K. Nosov

І. О. Генбач, Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького

I.O. Genbach

Д. М. Шамраєва, Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького

D.N. Shamrayeva


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