Treatment results in patients with Stage IIA and IIB seminoma of testis


А. В. Сакало


We analyzed results of chemotherapy (ChT) (3 РЕ, 4 РЕ, 3 РЕВ) in 47 patients with seminoma of testis Stages ІІА and ІІВ. As predictors of progression we evaluated the following parameters: age of patients, size of the primary tumor, preoperative level of hHG and LDG, cate gory pT of primary tumor, invasion of rete testis and lymphovascular invasion, size of the retroperitoneal metastases prior to ChT and per sistence of residual tumor after initial ChT. Univariate analysis yielded the unfavorable factors of progression in patients with Stage IIA and IIB seminoma of testis such as: size of retroperitoneal metastases, LDG level prior to orchidectomy, size of primary tumor and residual tumor after induction ChT. Based on mul tivariate analysis only size of retroperitoneal metastases prior to ChT (р= 0.044) has a impact on progression. The chemotherapy in patients with State IIA and IIB has moderate acute toxicity with 97.9% 5 years overall survival. Chemotherapy is an alternative to radiotherapy in this group of patients and can be con sidered a first line treatment. Based on Kaplan Meier analysis (log rank, Wilcoxon, Tarone Ware criteria) we postulate that patients with pT4 with shortest interval to relapse compared to pT1 pT3. Risk of progression in Stage IIB is high er compared to Stage IIA; elevated LDG is a feature of more probable for progression, and with residual tumor after ChT the progression happen ealier. As per Wald and Hosmer Lemeshov statistics, we found that three univariate models of progression three are prognostically valid, name ly, the size of retroperitoneal metastases, level of LDG and presence of residual tumor after ChT.


How to Cite
Сакало, А. В. (2015). Treatment results in patients with Stage IIA and IIB seminoma of testis. Health of Man, (4(55), 78–81.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

А. В. Сакало, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

A.V. Sakalo


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