Penile implants: from the history of the issue to the integration into the routine andrology


І. І. Горпинченко
О. М. Корнієнко
М. Г. Романюк
М. О. Щербак


The paper studied the history of penile implants, data from our own experience of implantations at the department of andrology and sexology of SI «Institute of Urology of NAMS of Ukraine.» The dissatisfactionon in 14.7% of patients after insertion of penile implant is usually correlated with psychological component and leads to the necessity of correction with psychotherapeutic methods. In 12.7% of cases the cause of complications are mechanical damage of the implants, which requires a mandatory surgical correction with full restoration of functional ability of penile implant.


How to Cite
Горпинченко, І. І., Корнієнко, О. М., Романюк, М. Г., & Щербак, М. О. (2015). Penile implants: from the history of the issue to the integration into the routine andrology. Health of Man, (4(55), 12–16.
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Author Biographies

І. І. Горпинченко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

I.I. Gorpynchenko

О. М. Корнієнко, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

O.M. Kornyenko

М. Г. Романюк, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

M.G. Romaniuk

М. О. Щербак, ГУ «Институт урологии НАМН Украины»

M.O. Scherbak


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