Differential diagnostics of the small renal masses: efficiency of application of the apparent diffusion coefficient of the diffusion weighted MRI as imaging biomarker of the renal cell carcinoma


Ю. О. Мицик
І. Ю. Дутка
Ю. Б. Борис
І. М. Комнацька
І. В. Дац
Н. В. Чернова
Д. З. Воробець


Differential diagnostics of the small renal masses (SRM) is an impor tant issue of contemporary urologic practice. Part of the non diagnos tic percutaneous puncture biopsies varies from 10 to 23%, at the same time 7,5 33% of the partial nephrectomies due to malignancy suspicion in patients with SRM are performed on benign lesions. Pathologically renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is diagnosed in 48 66% patients with SRM.

The objective: the goal of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of application of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the diffu sion weighted imaging (DWI) of MRI as imaging biomarker of the RCC in differential diagnostics of the SRM.

Patients and methods. In total 158 adult patients with 171 SRM were enrolled into study: 80 (50,63%) patients with solid RCC – 55 (34,81%) with clear cell RCC, 13 (8,23%) with papillary RCC, 12 (7,59%) with chromophobe RCC; 25 (15,82%) patients with benign renal tumors – 14 (8,86%) with angiomyolipoma and 11 (6,96%) with oncocytoma; 53 patients with renal cysts including 15 (9,49%) patients with cystic RCC. The control group amounted to 15 healthy volunteers with normal clinical and radiologic findings.

Results. In the result of measurement and analysis of the ADC dur ing the DWI MRI we achieved statistically significant difference (р-310 –3 mm2/s), solid RCC (1,65±0,38-310 –3 mm2/), benign renal tumors (2,23±0,18-310 –3 mm2/) and renal cysts (3,15±0,51-310–3 mm2/). Also statistically significant difference (р-310 –3 mm2/vs 3,36±0,35-310–3 mm2/accordingly. Nerveless, there was no statistic difference in mean ADC values between of histologic subtypes of RCC (р>0,05).

Conclusions. ADC of DWI MRI can be used as imaging biomarker of RCC and as and effective tool for the differential diagnostics of the malignant and benign SRM.


How to Cite
Мицик, Ю. О., Дутка, І. Ю., Борис, Ю. Б., Комнацька, І. М., Дац, І. В., Чернова, Н. В., & Воробець, Д. З. (2016). Differential diagnostics of the small renal masses: efficiency of application of the apparent diffusion coefficient of the diffusion weighted MRI as imaging biomarker of the renal cell carcinoma. Health of Man, (4(59), 105–110. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.4(59).2016.104466
Author Biographies

Ю. О. Мицик, Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого

Yu.O. Mytsyk

І. Ю. Дутка, Медицинский центр «Евроклиник», г. Львов

I.Yu. Dutka

Ю. Б. Борис, Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого

Yu.B. Borys

І. М. Комнацька, Медицинский центр «Евроклиник», г. Львов

K.I. Komnatska

І. В. Дац, Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого

I.V. Datz

Н. В. Чернова, Коммунальная городская клиническая больница, г. Львов

N.V. Chernova

Д. З. Воробець, Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого

D.Z. Vorobets


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