The novelty in treatment of patients with nephrolithiasis complicated by the infection of the upper urinary tracts (IUUT)
Objective: improving the efficiency of treatment of patients with urolithiasis complicated by inflammation of the kidneys, by iden tifying the leading factors in the inflammatory process, the com parison of the spectrum of organisms with the chemical composi tion of concretions and application of adequate personalized treatment.
Patients and methods. Examined 132 patients with nephrolithiasis complicated with inflammation of the urinary tract. All patients underwent clinical and laboratory investigations according to existing protocols and an additional urine test, a swab from the urethra and cer vical canal for bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida by polymerase chain reaction – amplification of DNA malyutov (M.hominis, U.ure alyticum). According to the data of ultrasound, patients underwent surgical treatment with adequate methods. Deleted calculi (n=79) was investigated by method of x ray structural analysis, which allowed to determine their chemical structure.
Results. The examination of 132 patients calculous pyelonephritis (70 women and 62 men) bacteriuria was detected in 83 (62,8%) patients, due to the pre hospital use of antibacterial drugs. Among the identified pathogens were dominated by representatives of Enterobacteriaceae (51,3%) and U.urealyticum (30.3 per cent). When comparing the species spectrum of selected enterobacteria (E.coli, P.mirabilis, K.pneumoniae) and U.urealyticum our defined class and mineral composition of remote concretions found that when calci um and phosphates magnisoderjasimi allocated mainly P. mirabilis (46,2%) and U.urealyticum (73,1%), and the oxalate – E.coli (28.3%) and U.urealyticum (37,0%). Other microorganisms were found rarely. It is established that the Proteus and Ureaplasma, especially in Association omelicheva urine to a pH of 7.7, that causes the formation of phosphates, and Ureaplasma omelicheva only urine to a pH of 6.44–6,85 (alkaline reaction) and determine when the over saturation of oxalic acid increased crystallization and aggregation of calcium oxalate. The proposed method of treatment of anaplasmosis doxycy cline and Ureaplasma immunoglobulin immune.
Conclusion. The proposed scheme of treatment of patients with calcu lous pyelonephritis, caused mainly by enterobacteria and Ureaplasma included in addition to the appointment patients after surgical treat ment preventive antibiotics further when ureaplasmosis – doxycy cline, immunomodulator Ureaplasma immun, which contributed to the elimination of the last and warned the recurrence of stone forma tion in 94.5% of cases during 6 months of observation.

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