The Problem of Pyelonephritis in Terms of Medical and Social Significance
Chronic pyelonephritis (CP) is known for the frequency of visits, hospitalizations, adverse effects. Over time, significant advances in diagnosis and treatment have made the study of medical and social issues relevant.
The objective: the above determined the purpose of the study: to assess the features of epidemiological changes in chronic pyelonephritis among different segments of the adult population in the regions of Ukraine and to identify the dynamics of key performance indicators of specialized care for such patients.
Materials and methods. The official sources of reporting for 2013 - 2020 in Ukraine as a whole in Ukraine and its administrative territories are analyzed, taking into account different segments of the population. The data are statistically processed according to the classical estimation of variation series and comparison of statistical values.
Results. A typical sign is a decrease in registered and newly diagnosed patients with CP. Dominated by people of working age and urban population. Areas where the corresponding indicators are below average, average and above them have been identified. Against the background of a widespread decrease in hospitalizations (by 21.3% in Ukraine) its duration (by 12.7%), mortality doubled to 3.49%. It was confirmed that CP is the second leading cause of chronic kidney disease stage III and IV (21.2% and 20.8% in 2020), with stage V – third (14.04%), in the regions the percentage reached 50–85% at III, 30–48% – IV and 20–33% – V stages. There was a positive decrease (from 27.5% to 20.0%) in cases of primary disability due to pathology.
Conclusions. The peculiarities of the prevalence, incidence of CP in the regions and oblasts of Ukraine among all segments of the population, the nature of changes in the main indicators of inpatient treatment and the dynamics of the effectiveness of specialized care were displayed.
Areas have been identified that require the attention of health authorities, specialists (nephrologists, urologists) in order to develop effective clinical and organizational measures based on an in-depth study of the causes of the situation.

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