These guidelines for authors are developed in accordance with Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (link).

The Editorial Board of the Journal «Health of Man» accepts manuscripts on the condition that they have not been submitted for publication to other journals and meet the design requirements for scientific articles. Manuscripts in English and Ukrainian are accepted. Articles in English are published without Ukrainian translation.

In order to send a submission, the author  (a representative from a group of authors) should register at

Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.docx) file, attached to the email sent to the editorial office. Preferably the last name of the author (the first author) in the file title should be written in Latin characters. Text pages should be in A4 format with a 2 cm margin on the left, top and bottom sides and 1 cm margin on the right. The font type should be Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5. Text alignment - to page width; text emphasis - bold or italics. Correct use of dashes (-) and hyphens (-) is encouraged.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by a free-form application letter signed by the authors. Authors should sign the last page of the manuscript and indicate the contribution of each author to the manuscript.

An article should consist of the following elements: title, text, abstract in  Ukrainian and English with a list of keywords, references, information about the authors.



The following information should be provided:

UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)

Full name of the authors

Title (titles of scientific articles should be informative, convey the main premise of the article (no more than 150 characters))

Full name of the organization (including legal address, without abbreviations)




The text of the article should correspond in structure and content to the chosen type of scientific publication (original article, review article, description of clinical cases, materials of scientific medical forums).

No abbreviations are allowed in the article, except those commonly accepted in scientific literature.

All measurements should be given in the SI unit system. Abbreviations used in the article should be numbered after the first occurence. Illustrations (tables, figures) should be placed in the text after the first mention.

Bibliographical references should have numbers in square brackets, which correspond to the numbers in the reference list of cited literature.

All tables, illustrations, and references used should be added to the article.

Tables should be given a title and a sequential number. All tables should be mentioned in the article. Tables should be placed in the body of the article immediately after the paragraph where they are mentioned. Notes to the table should be placed under it.



Abstracts should be attached to the article in Ukrainian and English. Abstracts in all languages must contain the title of the article, names of the authors (initials and last name), names of the organizations (full name, without abbreviations), city, country and a list of keywords. Abstracts should be at least 1,800 characters long.

The text of the abstract is an independent and full-fledged source of information with a brief and coherent summary of the publication, highlighting the content of the article. References to literature sources, figures and tables in the abstract are not allowed.

Abstracts of original articles should be structured and include the following sections (subheadings): Purpose of research, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions and Keywords. Abstracts of review articles do not need to be structured. Abstracts of articles describing clinical cases can be structured with the following subheadings: Introduction, Clinical case, Conclusions and Keywords.



The list of references is written in Latin characters according to the standards of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Sources in Ukrainian are given in the same spelling as listed and registered on the English-language pages of the journal websites. If a source does not have a name in English, it should be transliterated.

The list of references needs to be formatted in accordance with the Vancouver style in English.

References in the text should be put in square brackets, full bibliographic description of the source should be given in the list of references (in order of mention in the text).

Only peer-reviewed sources (articles of scientific journals and monographs) used in the text of the article should be added to the list of references. If it is necessary to refer to an article in the media or text from an online source, information about the source should be included in the reference.

The list of references should include at least 25 sources in research papers and 40-50 sources in theoretical papers or reviews.

It is preferable to cite sources published not earlier than 5-10 years ago. At least half of the sources on the list should be articles by foreign authors. Use of materials published by journals which are indexed in international scientometric bases such as Scopus, Web of Science and bibliographic database MEDLINE is welcomed. It is obligatory to specify DOI of all cited sources, which can be found at If the author or the year of publication can’t be identified, it is better to avoid citing such a source due to its unreliability.

Authors should read and follow Elsevier's guidelines for manuscript and references at this link. The following sources will also be useful: Bookshelf Citing Medicine and Recommendations on Bibliographic References in Research Papers. It is convenient to form a list of sources using such software products as reference managers: Web of Science (EndNote)Scopus (Mendeley) and Zotero.


Information about authors should be given at the end of the manuscript in Ukrainian and English:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic (in full).
  • Academic degree, academic rank, name of the institution where the author works by main place of work.
  • Work address including postal code, office telephone number (personal, if desired).
  • E-mail address of every author.
  • ORCID identifier (

Abbreviations must be avoided.