The editorial board of «Health of Man» is governed by the rules recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals)

Works using human material must comply with the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki. The experimental protocol must be approved by the local bioethics committee and meet international standards. If it is impossible to fully comply with these rules, the author must justify the change in the protocol, approve it by the local committee on bioethics and indicate the relevant changes in the section Materials and methods.

Experiments with laboratory animals must also be reported on compliance with the norms, standards and recommendations for work with animals, which were followed by the author:

ARRIVE Guide (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments);

Consensus Guidelines on Copyright Ethics and Welfare for Editors of the International Association of Veterinary Editors

EU Directive 2010/63 / EU (consolidated version) on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.

When conducting experiments involving any material of human origin or involving donors and / or patients, the authors should note that the studies were conducted in accordance with bioethical standards, approved by the institution's ethics committee or the National Bioethics Commission. The same applies to research involving laboratory animals. When conducting experiments with laboratory animals, it should be noted whether all the recommendations of the Bioethics Committee have been followed in accordance with national and international standards for the keeping and use of animals.

If the submitted manuscript does not include the approval of the Ethics Committee, it will be reviewed in accordance with the recommendations developed by the Ethics Committee for Scientific Publications (COPE) - "Guidelines for Editors: Determining the Quality of Research, Auditing and Service Evaluation". If the research is to be approved by an ethics committee, authors should provide this information to continue the process of processing the manuscript. If the required documents are not provided, the manuscript will not be published.

If the study does not require the approval of the ethics committee, the authors are asked to provide an opinion from the ethics committee or a document stating that the study does not require the approval of the ethics committee under the law of the country where the research is conducted. If the authors provide either an approval or a document confirming that the approval of the ethics committee is not required, the process of processing the article continues. If the authors are unable to provide such documents, the manuscript may be rejected.

The conclusion of the local ethics committee of the institution or the National Bioethics Commission does not exclude that the editors may have their own opinion on the compliance of the conducted research with the standards of bioethics.

Articles related to human studies should include information about the consent of patients and volunteers to participate in the study, as well as about their detailed explanations of what procedures they will undergo. Informed consent should also be obtained when describing clinical cases.

Patients have the right to privacy. Any medical interventions, types of examinations and treatments can be carried out only with the permission (informed voluntary consent) of the patient or his legal representative. Patients' personal data should not be mentioned in the text, photographs or drawings when preparing an article for publication, unless they are of scientific importance or the patient (parents, guardian) does not give written consent for publication.

The signed informed voluntary consent is kept by the authors in the institution where the research was conducted. Authors must notify the journal in writing that they have received written informed patient consent.

All information on clinical trials, human or animal experiments, a detailed description of relevant research procedures, written approval of the local ethics committee, and informed consent should be described in the Materials and Methods section of the article.