Hypoactive Sexual Desire Due to Physiological Conditions, Influences of Social and Psychological Factors, Disregard for Sexual Needs of a Woman


Garnik Kocharyan


The article describes causes of hypoactive sexual desire, which is associated with: tiredness and emotional overstrain; multiple abortions; rave for a person who is not a member of this couple of spouses/partners; criticism of physical qualities of one’s male/female partner; disturbance of interpersonal relations in the couple of spouses/partners; loss of sensuous charm caused by habituation; preference of masturbation over sexual intercourses; disregard for sexual needs of a woman; reproaches of sexual nature; conflicts of one spouse with parents of another one; age factor; sexual problems of one’s partner and his/her health condition; negative body image; presence of sexual or emotional abuse in the anamnesis; loss of job; severe loss. It is also pointed that hypoactive sexual desire can be caused by: long-term sexual abstinence; response to a sexual disorder of one’s male/female spouse (male/female partner); psychological response to another sexual dysfunction in the other person. Besides, weak sexual desire can be revealed in homosexual men and women, who have not accepted their sexual orientation to the end. The article gives data about influence of cultural/religious factors on the frequency of sexual desire.

For example, noticeable differences exist in the levels of incidence of low desire in different cultures: from 12.5% in men from Northern Europe to 28% in men from South-East Asia at the age of 40-80. The association between the East Asian ethnicity and sexual desire in men can be mediated by feeling of guilt. Lower values of sexual desire were detected in women from East Asia versus women of the Canadian origin.


How to Cite
Kocharyan, G. (2022). Hypoactive Sexual Desire Due to Physiological Conditions, Influences of Social and Psychological Factors, Disregard for Sexual Needs of a Woman. Health of Man, (3), 56–65. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.3.2022.270828
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

Garnik Kocharyan, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Garnik S. Kocharyan,

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Department of Sexology and Medical Psychology


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