The Efficiency of Kamavit®-forte in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Diseases in Men, Leading to Infertility
An erection disorder is the most frequently observed phenomenon in sexual practice, the frequency of which increases with age and is associated with conditions such as partial age related immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus, depression, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, endothelial failure and stress.
The objective: to study the efficiency and safety of Kamavit®-forte in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and male infertility.
Materials and methods. We examined 60 patients aged 23 to 62 years with ED lasting from 1 to 8 years. The study was conducted for 3 months, patients of the main group (MG) took Kamavit®-forte 1 tablet 3 times a day for 90 days.
Results. Before treatment, the testosterone level was 3,1±0,5 ng/ml, after – 6,9±0,3 ng/ml. Thus, after treatment, a significant (p<0,05) increase in blood testosterone levels was observed, which led to the stimulation of sexual function, in particular, libido. Before treatment, libido was retained in 7 (23,3%) patients, and after treatment, in 27 (90%) patients with hypertension. There is a clear tendency to improve an erection according to the subjective assessment of those examined as a result of taking the study drug. So, if before treatment a full erection was in 12 (40%), patients and a partial erection – only in 10 (33,3%), then after a course of taking the drug, a full erection was restored in 23 (76,7%) and in general 29 (96,7%) patients were able to coitus.
Conclusion. The appointment of Kamavit®-forte led to a significant increase in ICEF indicators: achieving an erection – by 89,4%, erection during sexual stimulation – by 68,4%, sufficiency of an erection – by 66,7%; a significant increase in the parameters characterizing the sexual activity of patients: erectile function – by 86%, sexual intercourse – by 84%, orgasm – by 79,4%, libido – by 84,9%. With the use of Kamavit®-forte, an improvement in most spermogram indicators was observed; the volume of ejaculate increased, the concentration of sperm, their total number, motility, the number of live sperm, decreased the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, liquefaction time, the number of pathological forms of sperm.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##

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