Combined therapy of erectile dysfunction


Р. О. Бистриця


The objective: evaluation of the efficacy and safety of combination therapy of L-arginine and PDE-5 inhibitors in erectile dysfunction.

Materials and methods. The subject of the study was 34 patients with erectile dysfunction aged 20 to 45 years, with the presence of manifestations of erectile dysfunction from mild to moderate severity. Patients took L-arginine daily for 30 days and a day later PDE-5 inhibitors. The criterion of therapeutic effectiveness of the drug was the dynamics of the quality of erection.

Results. After the course of combination therapy, 28 patients (82,3%) could have intimate proximity with a sufficient erection, and in 4 (11,7%) patients the erection recovered completely, which indicates the high effectiveness of these drugs.

Conclusion. Combined therapy with L-arginine and an inhibitor of PDE-5 type in erectile dysfunction has a positive effect on the severity of erections.


How to Cite
Бистриця, Р. О. (2017). Combined therapy of erectile dysfunction. Health of Man, (4(63), 61–63.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biography

Р. О. Бистриця, Андрологическая клиника, г. Одесса

R.O. Bystrytsia


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