Sexual disorders in men suffering from hypertension and their possible correction


Є. А. Литвинець
О. Р. Вінтонів


The investigation of the effectiveness of the combined therapy with sildenafil, sildenafil and arginin, sildenafil, arginin and LNP therapy was carried out in 120 hypertensive patients with erectile dysfunction.
The patients were divided into several groups. Group I (25 patients) got therapy with inhibitors of phosphodiasterase of 5 type (sildenafil) on demand; Group II (25 patients) got sildenafil in a dose of 50 mg every other day; Group III (25 patients) – sildenafil in a dose of 50 mg every other day + arginin; Group IV (25 patients) – sildenafil +arginin+LNP therapy; Group V (20 patients) was a group of comparison.
The final estimation of the effectiveness of complex therapy in a month showed good and perfect results in 96,0% of patients of Group IV and 84,0% of patients of Group III. Poorer results were revealed in patients of Group I and Group II. In Group V indexes didn’t change but in 2 patients (10,0%) results worsened.
On the basis of carried out investigation it was established that arginin and LNP therapy improved treatment.


How to Cite
Литвинець, Є. А., & Вінтонів, О. Р. (2015). Sexual disorders in men suffering from hypertension and their possible correction. Health of Man, (3(54), 70–72.
Sexology and andrology
Author Biographies

Є. А. Литвинець, SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»

Ye.A. Lytvynets’

О. Р. Вінтонів, SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»

O.R. Vintoniv


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