Dynamics of the functional state of the testes and the level of homocysteine in the blood under the influence of therapy of the antioxidant drug Feroll in conjunction with Neurovitan in men with infertility


В. О. Бондаренко
А. С. Мінухін
Є. І. Скорняков


Parameters of semen, the levels of testosterone, estradiol, and homocystein in the blood of men with idiopathic infertility before and after application of antioxidant drug Feroll together with Neurovitan. It is shown that this integrated therapy increases the sperm count and strengthening their motility, a positive effect on the androgen-estrogen balance, leading to a reduction of homocysteine levels in the blood of men with idiopathic pathospermias.


How to Cite
Бондаренко, В. О., Мінухін, А. С., & Скорняков, Є. І. (2016). Dynamics of the functional state of the testes and the level of homocysteine in the blood under the influence of therapy of the antioxidant drug Feroll in conjunction with Neurovitan in men with infertility. Health of Man, (1(56), 138–141. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.1(56).2016.95429
Author Biographies

В. О. Бондаренко, ГУ «Институт проблем эндокринной патологии имени В.Я. Данилевского НАМН Украины»

V.A. Bondarenco

А. С. Мінухін, ГУ «Институт проблем эндокринной патологии имени В.Я. Данилевского НАМН Украины»

A.S. Minukhin

Є. І. Скорняков, ГУ «Институт проблем эндокринной патологии имени В.Я. Данилевского НАМН Украины»

E.I. Skorniakov


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