Laser marsupialization of prostate and ejaculatory duct cysts


О. М. Любчак
М. А. Любчак
Р. П. Гребенюк


The paper describes pathogenesis of midline prostate cysts and periprostatic cysts, their differences, associated diagnostic and treatment methods. The methods and results of examination of 13 patients with prostatic and periprostatic cysts, divided in groups according to clinical manifestations – azoospermia, abdominal"pelvic pain syndrome and dysuria, strangury, are listed. Article also describes diagnostics and treatment of three cases of rare renal development anomaly – pelvic dystopia of hypoplastic kidney with ureter opening into seminal vesicle, which has transformed into periprostatic cyst. Two cases of cystic seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct cystic transformation due to urinary reflux in infravesical obstruction with urethra stricture are described along with depiction of endoscopic surgery with simultaneous urethroplasty treatment. The paper also portraits method of laser marsupialization of prostate and ejaculatory duct cysts in treatment of obstructive (at the prostate level) azoospermia with preservation of seminal colliculus, which is different from transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts (TURED).


How to Cite
Любчак, О. М., Любчак, М. А., & Гребенюк, Р. П. (2016). Laser marsupialization of prostate and ejaculatory duct cysts. Health of Man, (1(56), 110–113.


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