Application of a direct prostate transuretral electro stimulation in a complex medical treatment of prostate and seminal vesicle tuberculosis
The sickness rate of tuberculosis of men’s privy parts gives to this problem not only the medical, but also social the meaningfulness. The prostate tuberculosis often combines with the seminal vesicle tuberculosis. The incomplete emptying of prostate and seminal vesicles during ejaculation at the infection simultaneously by the tubercular and unspecific processes, results in the delay of pathological secrets in the privy parts and by virtue of it, to a considerable decline of the efficiency of medical treatment. The prostate direct electric stimulation method is most physiological and efficient for the improvement of evacuation of pathological secrets from a prostate and seminal vesicles. Patients suffering from the prostate and seminal vesicles tuberculosis were exposed to the electro-stimulation after 2 months of anti-tuberculosis medical treatment by 4 preparations. Application of a direct prostate transurethral electro-stimulation in a complex medical treatment of prostate tuberculosis allowed to increase efficiency of medical treatment up to 92,8%, and in a complex medical treatment of tuberculosis of seminal vesicles – up to 84,4% accordingly. Consequently, the given method of medical treatment is more physiological and can be recommended in the complex of medical treatment of prostate and seminal vesicle tuberculosis accompanying the lasting specific chemotherapy.

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