On the classification of Fournier gangrene


О. Б. Прийма


The paper shows the classification of own Fournier gangrene. It is based on my own experience of treatment of such patients 14. Two criteria as the basis for the classification: the parameters of the area and depth of defeat, as well as the severity of endogenous intoxication, endotoxemia. It is shown that the size of lesions among necrotic process overwhelming importance necrosis area. Intensity of endotoxemia is essential, because the presence of failure of three or more systems of internal organs – an unfavorable sign of disease outcome.


How to Cite
Прийма, О. Б. (2016). On the classification of Fournier gangrene. Health of Man, (1(56), 37–39. https://doi.org/10.30841/2307-5090.1(56).2016.95382
For practicing physicians
Author Biography

О. Б. Прийма, КП «Трускавецкая городская больница»

O.B. Priyma


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