Repeated reconstructions of urethra strictures in lichen sclerosis
The paper portraits the role of genital lichen sclerosis in development of urethra strictures, outlines sex hormones deficiency and homocysteine blood level increase as mediators of connective tissue disorders common for lichen sclerosis. Urethra reconstruction methods in stricture disease are listed. The article describes methods of urethra reconstruction in stricture disease and provides an overview of the diagnostic methods used in examination of 14 patients with recurrent lichen sclerotic strictures of urethra. The results of immune status assessment and folate cycle disorders in patients with histologically proven lichen sclerotic urethra stricture are depicted. The paper describes variants of repeated substitutive urethroplasties in 13 patients using oral mucosa transplants and demonstrates treatment results. Data on recurrent urethra reconstruction surgery in 4 out of 13 patients and the postoperative treatment is discussed.

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